the certificate

Diamonds must be sealed and accompanied by a Certificate issued by internationally recognised institutes.

Such Certifications do not increase the value of stones but indicate all their features, thus making it possible to identify them anytime, determine their price and guarantee their circulation and sale worldwide.

The main Gemological Institutes are:

  • G.I.A.: Gemological Institute of America, the most famous US Institute, recognised and renowned worldwide.
  • H.R.D.: Hoge Raad Voor Diamant, with head office is in Antwerp, which recognised and renowned worldwide.
  • I.G.I.: International Gemological Institute of Antwerp, with head offices in Antwerp and New York.
  • CISGEM: Centro Informazione e Servizi Gemmologici, with head office  in Milan. It is a member of MHC, which is the elite of the 5 main and most qualified Gemological Institutes in the world operating in Europe, Asia and the U.S. (among which: GIA, Gübelin Gem Lab).